Village of Marcellus Department of Public Works
Vehicle Maintenance:
The Department is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all Village owned vehicles with the exception of the Police Department vehicles and equipment. This includes; 5 trucks (of various sizes), 2 skid-steer machines, 1 backhoe, 4 road sanders (for the trucks), 1 roller, 1 paver, 1 street sweeper and many other smaller essential pieces of equipment. The vehicles and equipment are maintained in the DPW garage (located behind the Village Office) and the Water Pollution Control Plant (located below the Marcellus Central School District Transportation building’s access drive).
Sidewalk and Street Repair:
The Department maintains approximately 4.34 miles of street within the corporate boundaries of the Village (see street map). General street repairs range from such functions as filling potholes to actual road reconstruction, curbing repair and replacement, sidewalk repair and replacement and the sodding and seeding of green space on the Village rights of way. Repairs to the historical lighting and traffic sign maintenance also fall under this responsibility.
Storm and Sanitary Pipe Maintenance:
The Department provides general maintenance and is responsible for repairing or replacing sewer mains and catch basins, as well as laterals from drains and manholes and oversees closed circuit television camera inspection of storm and sanitary pipe. There are almost eight miles (42,490 feet = 7.86 miles) of sanitary sewer lines and almost an additional 5 miles in the two Town sewer districts that the Village provides the operation and maintenance for by means of a consolidation agreement. In addition, there are miles of storm water lines in the Village of Marcellus for which the Department has primary responsibility.
The Department is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all Village owned vehicles with the exception of the Police Department vehicles and equipment. This includes; 5 trucks (of various sizes), 2 skid-steer machines, 1 backhoe, 4 road sanders (for the trucks), 1 roller, 1 paver, 1 street sweeper and many other smaller essential pieces of equipment. The vehicles and equipment are maintained in the DPW garage (located behind the Village Office) and the Water Pollution Control Plant (located below the Marcellus Central School District Transportation building’s access drive).
Sidewalk and Street Repair:
The Department maintains approximately 4.34 miles of street within the corporate boundaries of the Village (see street map). General street repairs range from such functions as filling potholes to actual road reconstruction, curbing repair and replacement, sidewalk repair and replacement and the sodding and seeding of green space on the Village rights of way. Repairs to the historical lighting and traffic sign maintenance also fall under this responsibility.
Storm and Sanitary Pipe Maintenance:
The Department provides general maintenance and is responsible for repairing or replacing sewer mains and catch basins, as well as laterals from drains and manholes and oversees closed circuit television camera inspection of storm and sanitary pipe. There are almost eight miles (42,490 feet = 7.86 miles) of sanitary sewer lines and almost an additional 5 miles in the two Town sewer districts that the Village provides the operation and maintenance for by means of a consolidation agreement. In addition, there are miles of storm water lines in the Village of Marcellus for which the Department has primary responsibility.
Leaf and Brush Pick-up
Village workers handle the collection and disposal of leaves and brush from residential property curbs and there are separate seasons, spring and fall, for each refuse. In the spring, brush pickup extends from early April to early May and in the fall, pickup historically begins in mid-October and runs until early November, weather permitting. The Village Board reserves the right to adjust the collection dates as necessary. Residents are instructed to pile leaves or brush on the edge of their properties near the street but not in ditches or over catch basins. Workers will pick them up during the collection period.
Snow Plowing:
The Village officially begins its snowplowing program when there is an accumulation of snow on the roads or if icy conditions exist. Once these conditions are present, streets and intersections are salted and plowing of Village streets begins usually after about three inches of snow has fallen. To insure that plowing can be satisfactorily completed, vehicles are prohibited from parking on Village streets overnight from 2:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. from November 1st through April 1st. In addition to streets and intersections, Village sidewalks are also plowed by the Highway Department. The Village's goal is to make streets, sidewalks and public parking lots accessible as soon as possible during and after winter storms.
Village workers handle the collection and disposal of leaves and brush from residential property curbs and there are separate seasons, spring and fall, for each refuse. In the spring, brush pickup extends from early April to early May and in the fall, pickup historically begins in mid-October and runs until early November, weather permitting. The Village Board reserves the right to adjust the collection dates as necessary. Residents are instructed to pile leaves or brush on the edge of their properties near the street but not in ditches or over catch basins. Workers will pick them up during the collection period.
Snow Plowing:
The Village officially begins its snowplowing program when there is an accumulation of snow on the roads or if icy conditions exist. Once these conditions are present, streets and intersections are salted and plowing of Village streets begins usually after about three inches of snow has fallen. To insure that plowing can be satisfactorily completed, vehicles are prohibited from parking on Village streets overnight from 2:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. from November 1st through April 1st. In addition to streets and intersections, Village sidewalks are also plowed by the Highway Department. The Village's goal is to make streets, sidewalks and public parking lots accessible as soon as possible during and after winter storms.
Village Green Spaces:
The Village DPW staff mows and weed eats Village parks and green spaces throughout the spring, summer and fall. Village employees also maintain Village flowerbeds and flower boxes. Weeding, watering and mulching are some of the activities associated with this responsibility.
Wastewater Treatment:
The Village of Marcellus Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) is located at 6 Mile High Drive (off the MCSD transportation center access road, Mustang Hill). The facility is staffed by a level 3A certified operator and a level 2A certified operator full time, and a weekend part-time employee who performs sampling. The plant is permitted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) to treat 380,000 gallons per day. It was constructed in 1931 and has had many upgrades to meet the ever-changing environmental mandates. Currently the plant is in the process of an upgrade to meet the newly mandated phosphorus limits for Onondaga Lake. The facility is also host to many academic programs that tour the plant and learn about the importance of wastewater treatment. Classes from Marcellus Central Schools, LeMoyne and SUNY ESF regularly visit.
The owners of all houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes, situated within the village must connect to the public sanitary sewer system. The WPCP is operated and maintained by the DPW for the treatment of normal domestic sewage. It services a population of approximately 2000 residents. The Village also transports (through its collection system) and treats sewage from two sanitary sewer districts of the Town of Marcellus. The two districts are located adjacent to the Village and service approximately another 1000 Town residents. The Village WPCP also treats the Marcellus Central School District’s wastewater.
For additional information, please contact the WPCP (Water Pollution Control Plant) at (315) 673-4491 or [email protected]
Sanitary Sewer Collection System:
The Village’s collection system consists of almost 8 miles (42,490 feet) of sanitary sewer mains, nearly 200 hundred manholes and one pump station. The Village operates and maintains the Town’s collection system, which includes nearly 5 miles (25,000 feet) of sewer mains, about 100 manholes and two pump stations. There is about ½ mile of sewer mains on the Marcellus Central School District’s campus.
The DPW continues to stress the importance of limiting Inflow and Infiltration of storm and ground water into the sanitary sewer system. It leads to increased costs of wastewater treatment and potential violations of the Village’s discharge permit from the NYSDEC. Sump pumps are illegal to connect to the sanitary sewer system and should be discharged on the resident’s property or connected (by permit) to a storm sewer system if available. Roof gutters, floor drains, pool discharge hoses and any other “clean” water connections to the sanitary sewer are forbidden.
Composting Facility:
The Village of Marcellus owns and operates a Class A bio-solids composting facility. This has allowed the Village to dispose of wastewater treatment bio-solids on-site instead of trucking them to Seneca Meadows for landfill. This venture has alleviated nearly $100,000/year disposal costs for the WPCP and produced an excellent organic fertilizing product for residents to use on their lawns and flower gardens free of charge. If you have an interest in learning more about the Composting program, please contact the WPCP at (315) 673-4491.
Sewer Fund:
The Village’s primary means of financing the annual costs of owning and operating its WPCP and sanitary sewer system is through the collection of “user” charges. Village residential users are charged for wastewater conveyance and treatment based on their “potable water” usage (OCWA water bill) and the “Sewer Utility Rates” fee table determined by the Village Board. Should the revenues not meet the expenditures required to own and operate the treatment plant and collection system, the Village Board retains the ability to adjust the sewer rate table or borrow from the Village’s General Fund.
Sewer Utility Rates: (Effective 1/1/19)
Sewer usage is billed quarterly to property owners and the method used to establish sewer rent is based on the actual amount of water metered by the Onondaga County Water Authority (OCWA) during that period of time. The metered water amounts are supplied by OCWA at the end of each quarter. At present, the minimum (or base) charge for sewer usage is $100 per 5000 gals/unit/quarter or $400 per year. This is a base charged to all customers without incurring additional charges. Those sewer users who are outside the corporate limits of the Village of Marcellus (Town and School District) pay not only a basic service fee, but also an additional transmission and maintenance fee that is 25% more than the average Village sewer user.
Sewer Rate Increases:
In recent years, the sewer rents have risen somewhat significantly and this is largely due to an unfunded mandate from the NYSDEC. Because effluent from the Village WPCP discharges into Nine Mile Creek (and eventually Onondaga Lake), the Village also becomes responsible for the cleanup of Onondaga Lake. That mandate requires the Village remove phosphorus from the treatment plant’s effluent to an acceptable level. It became necessary for the Village to plan, design and begin a major upgrade to the WPCP. Our engineers estimated this upgrade to be in excess of $8 million, which proved to be accurate. The project was completed in 2020, satisfying the DEC's unfunded mandate. In order to pay for this unfunded mandate, sewer usage rates have increased and will continue to increase. A $5.2 million interest free construction loan from the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) helped to finance part of the project. In order to prepare our Plant for operation into the 21st century, these increases, while hefty, were unavoidable.
Refuse Collection and Disposal:
The Village of Marcellus contracts out all of its residential garbage and recycling collections. All residences automatically receive refuse and recycling collection once weekly, on Wednesdays and there is a refuse rate charge per unit per quarter. The current contract was awarded to Superior Waste Removal, at a rate of $50/quarter or $200 per year (eff. 1/1/19). Most residents in the Village are billed for a single unit each quarter, although other property owners, including businesses, are billed for more units because of multiple dwellings or because more than usual amounts of refuse are generated.
For more information on refuse collection, please call the Village office: (315) 673-3112.
Drinking Water Supply:
The Onondaga County Water Authority (OCWA) supplies water to the residents and businesses in the Village of Marcellus. While the Village retains ownership of its water infrastructure, it also agreed in 2010 to lease that same infrastructure (water mains and hydrants) to OCWA for 40 (forty) years. As a result, the supply of water in the Village is provided by OCWA and quarterly billing, based on metered usage, is handled by OCWA. If a resident has a concern about water supply, OCWA should be contacted at 315-455-7061 Customer Service x3335.
The Village DPW staff mows and weed eats Village parks and green spaces throughout the spring, summer and fall. Village employees also maintain Village flowerbeds and flower boxes. Weeding, watering and mulching are some of the activities associated with this responsibility.
Wastewater Treatment:
The Village of Marcellus Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) is located at 6 Mile High Drive (off the MCSD transportation center access road, Mustang Hill). The facility is staffed by a level 3A certified operator and a level 2A certified operator full time, and a weekend part-time employee who performs sampling. The plant is permitted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) to treat 380,000 gallons per day. It was constructed in 1931 and has had many upgrades to meet the ever-changing environmental mandates. Currently the plant is in the process of an upgrade to meet the newly mandated phosphorus limits for Onondaga Lake. The facility is also host to many academic programs that tour the plant and learn about the importance of wastewater treatment. Classes from Marcellus Central Schools, LeMoyne and SUNY ESF regularly visit.
The owners of all houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes, situated within the village must connect to the public sanitary sewer system. The WPCP is operated and maintained by the DPW for the treatment of normal domestic sewage. It services a population of approximately 2000 residents. The Village also transports (through its collection system) and treats sewage from two sanitary sewer districts of the Town of Marcellus. The two districts are located adjacent to the Village and service approximately another 1000 Town residents. The Village WPCP also treats the Marcellus Central School District’s wastewater.
For additional information, please contact the WPCP (Water Pollution Control Plant) at (315) 673-4491 or [email protected]
Sanitary Sewer Collection System:
The Village’s collection system consists of almost 8 miles (42,490 feet) of sanitary sewer mains, nearly 200 hundred manholes and one pump station. The Village operates and maintains the Town’s collection system, which includes nearly 5 miles (25,000 feet) of sewer mains, about 100 manholes and two pump stations. There is about ½ mile of sewer mains on the Marcellus Central School District’s campus.
The DPW continues to stress the importance of limiting Inflow and Infiltration of storm and ground water into the sanitary sewer system. It leads to increased costs of wastewater treatment and potential violations of the Village’s discharge permit from the NYSDEC. Sump pumps are illegal to connect to the sanitary sewer system and should be discharged on the resident’s property or connected (by permit) to a storm sewer system if available. Roof gutters, floor drains, pool discharge hoses and any other “clean” water connections to the sanitary sewer are forbidden.
Composting Facility:
The Village of Marcellus owns and operates a Class A bio-solids composting facility. This has allowed the Village to dispose of wastewater treatment bio-solids on-site instead of trucking them to Seneca Meadows for landfill. This venture has alleviated nearly $100,000/year disposal costs for the WPCP and produced an excellent organic fertilizing product for residents to use on their lawns and flower gardens free of charge. If you have an interest in learning more about the Composting program, please contact the WPCP at (315) 673-4491.
Sewer Fund:
The Village’s primary means of financing the annual costs of owning and operating its WPCP and sanitary sewer system is through the collection of “user” charges. Village residential users are charged for wastewater conveyance and treatment based on their “potable water” usage (OCWA water bill) and the “Sewer Utility Rates” fee table determined by the Village Board. Should the revenues not meet the expenditures required to own and operate the treatment plant and collection system, the Village Board retains the ability to adjust the sewer rate table or borrow from the Village’s General Fund.
Sewer Utility Rates: (Effective 1/1/19)
Sewer usage is billed quarterly to property owners and the method used to establish sewer rent is based on the actual amount of water metered by the Onondaga County Water Authority (OCWA) during that period of time. The metered water amounts are supplied by OCWA at the end of each quarter. At present, the minimum (or base) charge for sewer usage is $100 per 5000 gals/unit/quarter or $400 per year. This is a base charged to all customers without incurring additional charges. Those sewer users who are outside the corporate limits of the Village of Marcellus (Town and School District) pay not only a basic service fee, but also an additional transmission and maintenance fee that is 25% more than the average Village sewer user.
Sewer Rate Increases:
In recent years, the sewer rents have risen somewhat significantly and this is largely due to an unfunded mandate from the NYSDEC. Because effluent from the Village WPCP discharges into Nine Mile Creek (and eventually Onondaga Lake), the Village also becomes responsible for the cleanup of Onondaga Lake. That mandate requires the Village remove phosphorus from the treatment plant’s effluent to an acceptable level. It became necessary for the Village to plan, design and begin a major upgrade to the WPCP. Our engineers estimated this upgrade to be in excess of $8 million, which proved to be accurate. The project was completed in 2020, satisfying the DEC's unfunded mandate. In order to pay for this unfunded mandate, sewer usage rates have increased and will continue to increase. A $5.2 million interest free construction loan from the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) helped to finance part of the project. In order to prepare our Plant for operation into the 21st century, these increases, while hefty, were unavoidable.
Refuse Collection and Disposal:
The Village of Marcellus contracts out all of its residential garbage and recycling collections. All residences automatically receive refuse and recycling collection once weekly, on Wednesdays and there is a refuse rate charge per unit per quarter. The current contract was awarded to Superior Waste Removal, at a rate of $50/quarter or $200 per year (eff. 1/1/19). Most residents in the Village are billed for a single unit each quarter, although other property owners, including businesses, are billed for more units because of multiple dwellings or because more than usual amounts of refuse are generated.
For more information on refuse collection, please call the Village office: (315) 673-3112.
Drinking Water Supply:
The Onondaga County Water Authority (OCWA) supplies water to the residents and businesses in the Village of Marcellus. While the Village retains ownership of its water infrastructure, it also agreed in 2010 to lease that same infrastructure (water mains and hydrants) to OCWA for 40 (forty) years. As a result, the supply of water in the Village is provided by OCWA and quarterly billing, based on metered usage, is handled by OCWA. If a resident has a concern about water supply, OCWA should be contacted at 315-455-7061 Customer Service x3335.