Village of Marcellus Comprehensive Plan
In the summer of 2023, the Village of Marcellus commenced updating the community’s Comprehensive Plan. The Village’s current Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2007, is over seventeen years old and needs an update to reflect the current conditions and aspirations for the future of Marcellus.
The new Comprehensive Plan will be a document used to guide decision-making on land use, capital investments, economic development, revitalization, historic preservation, community building, and more over the next twenty areas. The planning process will incorporate multiple opportunities for public engagement to ensure the plan reflects the community.
This webpage will be the center for all information relating to the planning process, including project updates, how you can get involved, and draft plan elements.
The new Comprehensive Plan will be a document used to guide decision-making on land use, capital investments, economic development, revitalization, historic preservation, community building, and more over the next twenty areas. The planning process will incorporate multiple opportunities for public engagement to ensure the plan reflects the community.
This webpage will be the center for all information relating to the planning process, including project updates, how you can get involved, and draft plan elements.
The Village’s comprehensive planning process is coming along! View the results of public workshop #1 here. View the materials for Public Workshop #2 here.
Project UpdatesThe Village of Marcellus hosted a second public workshop to gather feedback for the Comprehensive Plan on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at the Marcellus Free Library.
If you weren’t able to attend the event in person, you can review the materials online and send your feedback to [email protected]. You can view the materials here. We kindly ask that you provide your feedback by Friday, February 7th, 2025! Stay InformedIf you would like to stay informed about the planning process, sign up for our email list!
Public Engagement UpdatesCommunity Survey
Take our community priorities survey to help shape the priorities of the Comprehensive Plan! Take the survey here: Hard copies are also available at Village Hall. The survey will be open through August 30th. Documents (click to view)Contact UsPlease contact Matt Horn at [email protected] if you have any questions or feedback for the Village of Marcellus Comprehensive Plan.
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
Comprehensive planning is a community planning process that creates a framework and a guide that shapes a community’s physical, social, and economic development aspirations. Intended to be led by and created for the community, a Comprehensive Plan articulates a vision for the future, planning principles, priority policy areas, and action items to direct day-to-day and long-term decision-making for local leaders and the community of Marcellus.
What are the benefits of a Comprehensive Plan?
The process of creating a Comprehensive Plan has many benefits for the community.
Social: The process of completing a Comprehensive Plan helps to build community cohesion by providing opportunities for the public to become engaged in shaping the future vision for the Village, developing priority policy areas, and curating an implementation strategy.
The Village of Marcellus Comprehensive Plan is led by a steering committee composed of local stakeholders and will involve an extensive public engagement process.
Economic: A part of the planning process includes conducting a broad inventory of the Village’s existing demographic and economic conditions that will create the baseline for determining priority policy areas and action items. This inventory will review the fiscal conditions of the Village and explore economic development strategies to promote revitalization and economic resilience.
Physical: A key component of the Comprehensive Plan will be the future land use recommendations and future land use map. These land use recommendations provide essential guidance for the Planning and Zoning Boards regarding the type and location of future development. The plan will also explore smart growth and other environmentally focused planning principles to support sustainable development in the community.
Political: A Comprehensive Plan is the foundational community planning document from which local leaders make decisions. The vision, planning principles, and priority policy areas outlined in the plan create a framework for local leaders to base fiscal and policy decisions. Written to guide the community over a twenty-year timeframe, the Comprehensive Plan intends to create a sense of continuity as municipal staff and political leadership change over time.
How can I get involved?
The Village of Marcellus is committed to a community-driven planning process. There will be multiple opportunities for the public to get involved, including sharing your experiences living in Marcellus, shaping planning priorities and action items, and providing feedback on the draft plan.
Opportunities for engagement will include:
We will post information regarding public engagement opportunities on this website, the Village Facebook page, and public news outlets.
Comprehensive planning is a community planning process that creates a framework and a guide that shapes a community’s physical, social, and economic development aspirations. Intended to be led by and created for the community, a Comprehensive Plan articulates a vision for the future, planning principles, priority policy areas, and action items to direct day-to-day and long-term decision-making for local leaders and the community of Marcellus.
What are the benefits of a Comprehensive Plan?
The process of creating a Comprehensive Plan has many benefits for the community.
Social: The process of completing a Comprehensive Plan helps to build community cohesion by providing opportunities for the public to become engaged in shaping the future vision for the Village, developing priority policy areas, and curating an implementation strategy.
The Village of Marcellus Comprehensive Plan is led by a steering committee composed of local stakeholders and will involve an extensive public engagement process.
Economic: A part of the planning process includes conducting a broad inventory of the Village’s existing demographic and economic conditions that will create the baseline for determining priority policy areas and action items. This inventory will review the fiscal conditions of the Village and explore economic development strategies to promote revitalization and economic resilience.
Physical: A key component of the Comprehensive Plan will be the future land use recommendations and future land use map. These land use recommendations provide essential guidance for the Planning and Zoning Boards regarding the type and location of future development. The plan will also explore smart growth and other environmentally focused planning principles to support sustainable development in the community.
Political: A Comprehensive Plan is the foundational community planning document from which local leaders make decisions. The vision, planning principles, and priority policy areas outlined in the plan create a framework for local leaders to base fiscal and policy decisions. Written to guide the community over a twenty-year timeframe, the Comprehensive Plan intends to create a sense of continuity as municipal staff and political leadership change over time.
How can I get involved?
The Village of Marcellus is committed to a community-driven planning process. There will be multiple opportunities for the public to get involved, including sharing your experiences living in Marcellus, shaping planning priorities and action items, and providing feedback on the draft plan.
Opportunities for engagement will include:
- Public Workshops
- Community Surveys
- Pop-Up Engagement Events
We will post information regarding public engagement opportunities on this website, the Village Facebook page, and public news outlets.
Current Plan: 2007 Village of Marcellus Comprehensive Plan